Friday, December 14, 2007

STILL No Court Date after 12 1/2 Weeks!!

Well, it looks like Haylie will have to spend Christmas and New Years in Russia. We still haven't heard anything about our court date, and today was the cut off to be able to get it done before the New Year. The Russian government shuts down from December 28 - January 15 for their New Year's and Christmas celebration, so it will now have to be after January 15. I'm so angry that we couldn't have gotten her before the holidays. Mainly because that is just another month she will have to spend in an orphanage without anyone to love and care for her. But I'm also selfish and really wanted to get her back by the holidays and before Rich has to go back to work on January 3. Especially considering other couples who traveled for their first visit at the same time and even after we did are already home with their babies. It just doesn't seem fair.

AA says there is no problem, we just must wait till the judge appoints a court date. Normally that happens within a few days of getting the release letter (which we got 8 days ago), but because of the holidays it will take longer. As a result of this delay, we had to redo our medical forms which are only good for 3 months. The current ones would expire Jan1, 2008. When we did them originally in October, Alina said "there is no way these will expire before you go back"--HA!! Luckily, I work in the medical field and can get these done easily and cheaply. I feel sorry for those other folks out there who would have to make another appointment with their physician, for another physical exam and more blood work, none of which is usually covered by insurance. We also now have to do MORE notarizing and apostilling, and shell out more money for that of course.

Oh well, I'll get off my soapbox now and quit complaining, if only for a short period. I'm posting some pictures of all the documents we've done and aspostilled for our dossier, and now will add to.

These are only about half of the ones we had to do for our original dossier before we even got our referral.


Carrie said...

Jody - Trust me I totally understand what you are feeling. I can't believe we are spending Christmas w/o Sam. It has been nearly 7 months since we visited him. I just continue to pray for him and the others waiting and for all of us waiting. I have seen this to the end before so I PROMISE when Haylie is home your joy will overwhelm you and this WILL BE a distant memory. I know they are just words right now but it is all I have to offer. Just know you are not alone!!!

kitzkazventure said...

Since We did all of our waiting in Kaz, I can't completely identify BUT I was just thinking today that it is SO amazing to me how Nick is the right boy for us and God knew exactly what we could handle and that we could be the "hearty" ones to handle going to Zhez for him and who's lives would fit his personality SO I say that to say if He knows all of that then I know without a shadow of a doubt that He knows exactly the day and time that you should pick up Haylie! I just had a thought of a Cymbal player at the end of a big orchestra piece. The last big crash at the end of a beautiful piece.......if played to early or too late it just wouldn't fit but at just the right moment, right when the conductor gives the signal, what intensity and excitement it brings. I know it is corny but it really just did pop in my is late ....probably should go to bed :) Just keep enjoying the time with your hubby because she will be here before you know it and then the noise level in your house will never be the same again (but it is a good sound!) Have a good "slushy" weekend. K

Anonymous said...

Jody and Rich,

I know you are very disappointed not to have Haylie with you for Christmas, but I also know that no matter when it happens, you will be the BEST mom ever and Haylie is a VERY lucky little girl. Some how, some way she will be home to you soon....just think, this time next year we will all have a very special little girl to spoil and it will be awesome because she will really be old enough to get into it then!! I for one will still be bringing Haylie a Christmas present on Christmas morning, so even if she isn't here to open it for herself this year, you can bet she is here in all of our hearts.

I love you Sis,
