Friday, October 26, 2007

It's Been 6 Weeks Since We Met Haylie

It was 6 weeks ago today we met Haylie at the orphanage. In some ways those weeks have flown by, but they have also been interminable waiting to get our court date so we can go back and bring her home. Every night Rich kisses her picture on the refrigerator and says "Booster, come home!!" several times--it is so cute. Is this really my husband who really wasn't too sure about kids just a couple of years ago? He is over the moon in love with Haylie. I guess I need to tell you my family is crazy about nicknames. Just about everybody has one, and Rich started calling Haylie, Haylie Boo. From there it went to "the Booster", and now the poor child who isn't even here yet has the nickname of "Booster".

I sent the last of the apostilled documents in to Adoption Ark last week, and supposedly a couple who left for Russia on Saturday hand carried our documents over as they went. Please pray they get there safely and that they haven't lost the ones we took when we went. I'm a little concerned taking them in 2 separate batches that something will be missing and it will delay our court date. I just saw on the Kemerovo webgroup I'm on, that a family who went for their 1st trip 2 weeks before we did got their court date for the middle of November!! So with any luck, we could be 2 weeks behind them, which would be right around Thanksgiving. That would be SOOOO awesome. They are using a different agency than us, but I'm sure going to keep my fingers crossed.

Because there was another home UK football game, we still didn't get a chance to get the nursery put together. Next week is out too because our church is having a Ladies Inspiration Day all day Saturday. So maybe one of these days I'll be able to post pictures of the nursery all put together. For now, it's still in boxes sitting in the middle of the room. So here are the "before" pictures, with the "after" pictures to follow in a few weeks.


Keva said...

I just found your blog through Lindsey & Courtney's blog and had to drop you a line...We adopted our son from Russia 3yrs ago and are in the process to adopt from Ethiopia currently. Your blog brought back so many memories. Micah is from Chuvashia Region, Cheboksary. If you will check out my blog there are two good friends of mine that have and are in process to adopt from Novok. From Russia With Love, has her children home and Jared Family are waiting to bring home their second. Happy reading and I look forward to checking back and seeing some pics.

Carrie said...

Hi!!! My name is Carrie and I have 1 child (Sophie) from Novokuznetsk and will hopefully return in early spring to bring our Sam home. Your daughter is beautiful and will bring you joy beyond your wildest dreams. I will send positive thoughts your way!! Oh yea Keva told me about your blog.

Carrie said...

Jody - Don't worry about what happened to us happening to you. It was a total fluke!! Our adoption of Sophie went smoothly. Your court date will come and it will be perfect.

Jill & Jon Dumford said...

I am really trying to brace myself for the wait after meeting our child. We are adopting a boy from Kazakhstan and I can't imagine what it will feel like to wait after we meet him. I wish you the best of luck and I love the name Haylie. (magical!)